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George Strait

I Just Can't Go On Dying Like This

(George Strait)
I'm driving in my car alone
You called me on the telephone
How many times will it take till I'm convinced
That you're using me, I'm just a used-to-be
It's a lie, I know it's a lie
But I just can't go on dying like this
Can I see you tonight,
Baby I'll act just like you want me to
Or is that just exactly what I'm not supposed to do?
I'll just stop in here, have a glass of beer
I'm just a fool I guess
But I just can't go on dying like this
Here I am again, it's 4 a.m.
I think I'll play that song again
The one called "I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry"
And I'll wonder where you are tonight
I don't know, I just don't know
But I just can't go on dying like this
Can I see you tonight,

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song performed by George StraitReport problemRelated quotes
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So Much Like My Dad

I know that I surprised you comin home
Its not my usual time of year
But Ive got myself a problem
And I know that I might find the answer here
Remember when I was dads pride and joy
And your little man
Every time that I got hurt
You were there to give a hand
Youõd pick me up and youd kiss my hurt away
Remember what youd say
Boy, youre gettin more like him each and everyday
Can we have a talk like it was yesterday
Your boys back in trouble and he needs you right away
She said shes gonna leave me momma
Nothing on gods green earth will make her stay
I cant live with out her momma
But this time you cant kiss the hurt away
But if Im so much like my dad
There mustve been times you felt her way
So tell me word for word what he said

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song performed by George StraitReport problemRelated quotes
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That's Me

Picture a fellow with his boots shined up
A new coat of clean on his pick-up truck
Ringin' your doorbell, thinkin' about love
Hey honey that's me!
That's me with a capital m
That's me ten times ten
Ain't worked up my courage yet
But that's me every chance i get!
Picture a fellow at a picture show
His arm around you in the very last row
Stealin' a kiss as the credits roll
Yeah honey that's me!
That's me with a capital m
That's me ten times ten
Ain't worked up my courage yet
But that's me every chance i get!
(ah, play it boys!)
I never dealt with such a big deal
How to tell ya how i feel
I'll be your fellow in nothin' flat

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song performed by George StraitReport problemRelated quotes
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80 Proof Bottle Of Tear Stopper

(Darryl Staedtler)
You ain't never fell as far as when you fall in love
Except the fall you take when you've been loved and given up
When you have your heart and soul rubbed into the dirt
An 80-proof bottle of tear-stopper will take away the hurt
Give me an 80-proof bottle of tear-stopper
And I'll start feeling I forgot her
Get a little loose and lose her memory
And I won't think I'm close to dying
Because it dries up all my crying
An 80-proof bottle of tear-stopper always sets me free
It ain't easy losing love although it's turned out bad
All at once you're turning off old feelings you once had
But I found a helping hand right here in my hand
And 80-proof bottle of tear-stopper will help me take 'em out
Give me an 80-proof bottle of tear-stopper
And I'll start feeling I forgot her
Get a little loose and lose her memory
And I won't think I'm close to dying
Because it dries up all my crying

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song performed by George StraitReport problemRelated quotes
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She Loves Me (She Don't Love You)

Well now I can see your dancin every dance with her
And it seems to me that your dancin much too close to her
When you sat down at our table
You sat next to her
But I know that its true
She loves me, she dont love you
Let me tell you friend
Im wise to your lies
Youve been tellin me that Im the guy for her
And every little thing you do and say
Is givin you away
Youre in love with her
Well just one more dance with her
And friend youre gonna see
What its like to hit the floor
And do a little dance with me
Heres your coat and theres the door
I think you better leave
Cause she just told me its true

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song performed by George StraitReport problemRelated quotes
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The Night's Just Right For Love

(Rodney Crowell)
I dont mind the thought of growing old
But I dont Want to lose my sense of humor
Im okay as long as I can laugh
I dont care if everything goes wrong
Even if its only for awhile
Im alright if I can see you smile
Youre an old-fashioned girl at home in the modern world
The nights just right for love
If somewhere down the line the wheels come off
You may find me broke down by the highway
Im alright as long as I can walk
If it comes to pass Im losing touch
As long as I can feel you close to me
I know Im where Im supposed to be
Youre an old-fashioned girl at home in the modern world
The nights just right for love
Maybe Im crazy, maybe Im not
Maybe this moment is all we have got
I dont think that Im afraid to die

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song performed by George StraitReport problemRelated quotes
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Old Time Christmas

(Aaron Barker/John Jarvis)
Tricycles, bicycles
Candy canes and candlelight
Tryin' to stay awake all night
To catch a glimpse of Santa's reindeer
Mama bakin', sister makin'
Angels in the fallin' snow
Now it seems so long ago
I wish they all were here.
We'd have an old time Christmas
An old time Christmas
Just like the ones from yesterday
We'd leave the world behind us
Let the spirit find us
And have an old time Christmas
For old times sake.
Friends singin', bells ringin'
Snowman standing in the yard
Its a living Christmas card
Captured in our hearts forever

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song performed by George StraitReport problemRelated quotes
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Blame It On Mexico

In a bar in acuna called ma crosbys
I found myself not feeling any pain
I told a frisco girl Id come for freedom
She said shed only come to catch a train
We struck up some idle conversation
Traded all the troubles on our minds
One thing led to another in the evening
And I fell in love again for my last time
Blame it on mexico if you need a reason
Say too much guitar music, tequila, salt and lime
Blame it on mexico, but shes the reason
That I fell in love again for my last time
Daylight dawned and found me in del rio
In a rundown motel room as dark as hell
I felt all the pains of a morning after
And all alone as far as I could tell
Why she left I have no way of knowing
I guess she caught her train and thats a crime
She took everything I ever wanted
And I fell in love again for my last time

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song performed by George StraitReport problemRelated quotes
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The Real Thing

(Chip Taylor)
I was on a bus comin' back to us
From Atlanta in '53
And I picked up a Rhythm & Blues magazine
Layin' underneath my seat
And I found out the stuff they'd been playin' us
Wasn't made from grits and bone
And it would take more than the Crew Cuts
And Pat Boone to take me home
I want the real thing
Give me the real thing
Make it loud I'll make you proud
Or the songs they'd sing
I don't want you under my roof with your 86 proof
Watered down ''til it tastes like tea
You're gonna pull my string
Make it the real thing
I remember old Elvis when he forgot
To remember to forget
And when young Johnny Cash hadn't seen this side of

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song performed by George StraitReport problemRelated quotes
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The King Of Broken Hearts

The king of broken hearts doesnt ask much from his friends
And he has quite a few of them
They know he will understand
Thats just the way it goes
Theking of broken hearts doesnt know hes a king
Hes tryin to forget other things
Like some old ship at sea
Hes walkin through life alone
He talks to angels
And the stars start to spin
He thinks of troubles that hes gotten in
He recalls how his heart got broken
And how its still that way
The king of broken hearts is so sad and wise
He can smile while hes cryin inside
We know hell be brave tonight
Cause hes the king of broken hearts
He talks to angels
And the stars start to spin
He thinks of the troubles that hes gotten in

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song performed by George StraitReport problemRelated quotes
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